News about PSE activities up against the COVID-19 pandemic


PPS operation secure in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic

25 March 2020, 10:28

PPS operation secure in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic
PSE, acting as Transmission System Operator in Poland, has implemented a range of organisational and preventive measures aimed to ensure undisturbed transmission of electricity and energy security of the country during the coronavirus pandemic in Poland and Europe. The system operates securely throughout Poland.

Prevention procedures have been put in place at PSE in the event of loss of business continuity, and a Crisis Team set up at the end of January, working in coordination with the Management Board, has been monitoring the dissemination of the disease on an ongoing basis and taking necessary actions as the situation requires. Analyses, forecasts and scenarios of the pandemic development and its consequences for the Company have been conducted, including the recommendation of projects necessary to ensure business continuity of PSE, and thus undisturbed operation of the Polish Power System (PPS).

We treat the epidemiological hazard seriously and as early as January we were among the first to launch preventive measures. Under the Energy Law, we are responsible for the uninterrupted operation of the PPS. Thus, we need to take care of our employees’ safety, as in the event one of them falls ill, the entire team may be forced to go into quarantine. “Therefore, as early as the first half of February, we limited foreign trips and participation in conferences, says Eryk Kłossowski, President of PSE’s Management Board.

Since then, restrictive precautions have been implemented at PSE facilities to prevent the virus infection. Locational separation has been put in place between key teams within each organisational unit. Segmentation has been introduced in order to separate buildings accommodating critical workplaces – the National Dispatch Centre, Area Dispatch Centres and Regional Supervision Centres, as well as key employees responsible for cybersecurity and reliable operation of the communications network, so as to avoid mixing personnel flows between the back office and those critical units.

Work organisation has been modified at all locations and organisational units of the Company to adjust it to the requirements of the state of epidemic, with remote work introduced wherever possible. Currently, 1340 people work from home thanks to the additional provision of our staff with mobile equipment and implementation of secure IT solutions.  The Company is also prepared for the eventuality of having to provide on-site accommodation for key workers.

All meetings are held through video or teleconferencing.

Information and communication activities regarding occupational health and safety, as well as conduct in the event of coronavirus infection suspicion, are undertaken on an ongoing basis, targeting all employees and contractors. Provision of personal protective equipment is a problem, but it is gradually minimised.

We are all working hard and under difficult conditions, but owing to our joint efforts, responsibility and commitment of PSE staff, the power system in our country is secure and electricity supply to all regions of Poland has so far been undisturbed,” emphasises PSE’s CEO. “In this situation which affects seriously everyone, we get involved in helping the health service and institutions engaged in fighting the pandemic, which represents a dimension of social responsibility of our business, adds Eryk Kłossowski.