TSO Announcements
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29 June 2007, 00:00

PSE-Operator S.A. second term of Management Board
We would like to inform that PSE-Operator S.A.\'s new Board of Management was appointed to the second term on June 28 2007. The members of the Board are Stefania Kasprzyk - President, Andrzej Wołosz - Vice President, Grid Infrastructure


1 February 2006, 00:00

Decision of the President of the Energy Regulatory Authority appointing Transmission System Operator
We kindly inform that President of the Energy Regulatory Authority by his decision (number DPE-47-3(6)/4988/2005/2006/BT) dated January 26, 2006 has appointed PSE-Operator S.A. as Transmission System Operator on area of Republic of Polandfor the period counting from February 1, 2006 to December 31, 2007


30 January 2006, 00:00

Electric Energy Tariff of PSE-Operator S.A. 2006
Document Electric Energy Tarif of PSE Operator S.A. 2006 - sworn translation of the original document in English - was published.The Tariff was approved by the Energy Regulatory Office (URE) on 14 th of December 2005 and will be applied for making settlements for rendered transmission services as from 1 st January 2006 to 31 th December 2006.\"


1 December 2005, 00:00

Announcement of the publication form of Annex to the standard Agreement for the provision of transmission services for the Trading Company, which regulates the conditions of participation in cross-border exchange as from 1 January 2006
Please be informed that on 1 December 2005 the form of the Annex to the standard Agreement for the provision of transmission services was published, which regulates the conditions of participation of the Trading Company in the cross-border exchange as from 1 January 2006. The document is a translation of the standard form of the Annex to the standard Agreement with the Trading Company published in Polish on the Transmission System Operator’s website on 28 November 2005.The form of the Annex to the standard Agreement for the provision of transmission services, prepared by the...


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