
19 August 2020, 13:55

Polskie Sieci Elektroenergetyczne S.A. with its registered office in Konstancin-Jeziorna, acting as an operator within the Act of 8 December 2017 on Capacity Market (i.e. Journal of Laws of 2020, item 247, hereinafter referred to as the "Capacity Market Act") announced the date of pre-auction for the main auction for delivery year 2025, organised for the zone referred to in Article 6(6)(2)...


9 July 2020, 10:03

The Nominated Electricity Market Operators and Transmission System Operators from Slovakia, Czech Republic, Poland and Hungary established a new Local Implementation Project (LIP 17) to couple intraday electricity markets under Single Intraday Coupling (SIDC, formerly known as XBID project) covering borders between Slovakia – the Czech Republic, Slovakia – Hungary and Slovakia – Poland. The...


30 June 2020, 14:30

PSE, pursuant to the Article 60 of the Commission (EU) Regulation 2017/2195 of 23 November 2017 establishing a guideline on electricity balancing, issued a reporting on Balancing on period 2018-2019. The report contains of three main parts. The first one presents a description of the basic principles of the balancing market in Poland. The second part of the report...


26 May 2020, 10:47

Transmission system operators from the Baltic States and Poland today submitted a joint application for funding from the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF). Together, Litgrid (Lithuania), Augstsprieguma tīkls (Latvia), Elering AS (Estonia) and PSE (Poland) are requesting financial support for the so called second stage of the Synchronization – including construction of the interconnector Harmony Link, synchronous condensers, grid reinforcement in all four countries, and upgrade of IT control...


30 April 2020, 11:52

Investments of PSE in extra-high voltage networks must proceed despite the pandemic due to their significance to Poland’s energy security. With the highest safety standards implemented, work has been in progress on key projects. The challenge is to carry on the consultation and information process which traditionally takes place during face-to-face meetings. Therefore, in selected projects, PSE has been implementing pilot...


2 April 2020, 12:59

The Nominated Electricity Market Operators (NEMOs) and Transmission System Operators (TSOs) involved in the European Single Intraday Coupling (SIDC – formerly known as XBID) are pleased to announce that the intraday markets coupled by SIDC have grown significantly as a result of second wave go-live in November 2019. 36 million trades have been executed since first go-live in June 2018, with...


26 March 2020, 14:15

Communication of the power Transmission System Operator (TSO) on the extension of the consultation process for amendments to the Instruction of Transmission System Operation and Maintenance (IRiESP) resulting from Revision Sheet No CK/12/2020 to IRiESP - Terms of use, operation, maintenance and planning of network development. By communication of 11 March 2020, the power Transmission System Operator (TSO) gave notice of...


25 March 2020, 10:28

PSE, acting as Transmission System Operator in Poland, has implemented a range of organisational and preventive measures aimed to ensure undisturbed transmission of electricity and energy security of the country during the coronavirus pandemic in Poland and Europe. The system operates securely throughout Poland. Prevention procedures have been put in place at PSE in the event of loss of...


25 March 2020, 10:19

Having regard to the COVID-19 hazard and out of concern for your safety, applications for transmission network connection conditions are now allowed to be submitted electronically, subject to the rules below. The application for connection conditions should be prepared using the template form available at . The application and the required appendices should be prepared in the form of Word documents (doc/docx),...


17 January 2020, 15:00

Following the information provided with SIDC press release, issued on 18th Nov 2019, in terms of “inactive” status of PL-SE border, PSE and Svk inform that the issues have been resolved and the tests required for switching the status of the border to “active” have been accomplished on 15th January 2020. As a result of the above, SIDC Operational Committee (OPSCOM) approved the decision on the 16th of January...


16 January 2020, 12:00

The two Transmission System Operators - 50Hertz Transmission GmbH (50Hertz) and Polskie Sieci Elektroenergetyczne S.A. (PSE), in cooperation with the German and Polish Ministries responsible for energy finalized a common „German-Polish Study on cooperation between Transmission System Operators PSE and 50Hertz in long-term and mid-term perspectives”. The executive summary of the study is available here


17 December 2019, 08:56

The Nominated Electricity Market Operators (NEMOs) and Transmission System Operators (TSOs) from Austria, Germany, Poland and the 4M Market Coupling (4M MC) countries, namely the Czech Republic, Hungary, Romania and Slovakia, announce the connection of 4M MC with the Multi Regional Coupling (MRC) foreseen in Q3 2020. The DE-AT-PL-4M MC Project, also referred to as Interim Coupling project, has completed the design phase and now enters its...


8 November 2019, 10:00

European Single Intraday Coupling (SIDC) Solution and Local Implementation Projects confirm 2nd wave go-live date for November 2019. Seven further countries to be coupled with the fourteen already operational. Nominated Electricity Market Operators (NEMOs) and Transmission System Operators (TSOs) confirm the target date for the launch of SIDC (formerly known as XBID) and the go-Live of 2...


2 July 2019, 09:54

PSE and Litgrid, the only shareholders of the LitPol Link subsidiary, decided to liquidate the company on 19 June 2019. The mission of the administration company – to implement the first Poland-Lithuania interconnection - was successfully completed: the interconnection has been successfully operating since 2016. PSE and Litgrid, basing on the positive previous experiences, will cooperate directly on the construction of the second...


27 June 2019, 17:23

Robert Paprocki, board advisor in PSE, was appointed the Member of the Board of ENSTO-E, the organization of European transmission system operators. Today the new authorities of this institution were elected. Konrad Purchała, deputy director of the Department of International Cooperation of PSE, was re-elected as the chairman of the ENTSO-E’s Market Committee. ...


17 June 2019, 15:12

PSE, Polish Transmission System Operator and organized the debate „Transforming Europe’s Power System: How best to manage the system?”. The debate took place in Brussels on the June 12, 2019. During the debate: Pascale Fonck , Vice-Chair of the Board, ENTSO-E Sebastian Gras , Policy Officer DG Energy, Unit B1 Internal Market I: Networks & Regional...


13 June 2019, 09:47

Go-Live XBID, the Single Intraday Coupling (SIDC) solution, is one year old today! Since the successful go-live on the 12th/13th June 2018 over 16 million trades have been executed. Expansion of the SIDC into seven further countries is expected in Quarter 4 2019. The SIDC parties are pleased to recognise a successful first year of operation with high and growing numbers of trades together...


12 June 2019, 16:55

On 21st December 2018, the national regulatory authorities of Austria, Germany, Poland and the 4MMC countries (Czech Republic, Hungary, Romania, Slovakia) requested the initiation of the interim project for an NTC-based market coupling between these countries. The Project Parties involved in the DE-AT-PL-4M MC Project (’Interim Coupling’) have finalized the High-Level Market Design to be implemented and the national regulatory authorities reconfirmed...


17 April 2019, 14:51

Flow-Based Market Coupling to be implemented in the Core Capacity Calculation Region. Vienna, Brussel, Zagreb, Prague, Paris, Berlin, Budapest, Luxemburg, Amsterdam, Warsaw, Bucharest, Bratislava, Ljubljana According to article 20 of the Commission Regulation (EU) 2015/1222 establishing a guideline on capacity allocation and congestion management...


24 December 2018, 08:57

What is the Cross-Border Intraday (XBID) initiative and why is it so important to integrate European markets? PSE is an active participant of XBID initiative, which aim is to give new opportunities to electricity market participants. You can find detailed information on XBID mechanism in an information package (
