Day-ahead market

Single Day-ahead Coupling

Single Day-ahead Coupling (SDAC) is an Union-wide auction which integrates the electricity markets of Member States in the day-ahead market time-frame. Energy products are traded the day prior to delivery. Capacity is allocated using an implicit auction which simultaneously allocate electricity and capacity together. The EUPHEMIA algorithm (Pan-European Hybrid Electricity Market Integration Algorithm) used in single day-ahead coupling for simultaneously matching orders and allocating cross-zonal capacities aims at maximising economic surplus for single day-ahead coupling for the price-coupled region while respecting the operational security limits.

Nominated Electricity Market Operators (NEMOs) are responsible for receiving orders from market participants, having overall responsibility for matching and allocating orders in accordance with the single day-ahead coupling results, publishing prices and settling and clearing the contracts resulting from the trades according to relevant participant agreements and regulations. Implementation of the Multi-NEMO Arrangements in Poland enabled operation and a non-discriminatory treatment of NEMOs in the Polish bidding zone. According to the CACM Regulation, NEMOs may be designated or allowed to perform trading serviced in Poland by the President of the Energy Regulatory Office.

TSOs are responsible for calculation and provision of cross zonal capacities and allocation constraints and verification of feasibility of the market coupling results i.e. TSOs check whether commercial exchanges do not violate physical constraints of the power system. Data on the offered cross-zonal capacity and allocation constraint is published on the JAO website and the central information transparency platform (ENTSO-E Transparency Platform).

See more:
ENTSO-E - Single Day-ahead Coupling (SDAC)
ENTSO-E Transparency - Offered Day-ahead Transfer Capacity Implicit
PSE - Cross-border exchange, Day-ahead market schedule


Daily capacity allocation on the Rzeszów-Khmelnytska interconnector

From January 18, 2024, the transmission capacity between the Polish and Ukrainian bidding zones on the Rzeszów- Khmelnytska interconnector is allocated through coordinated explicit auctions organized by Joint Allocation Office. The winners of the auction receive the right to physically transfer energy between the bidding zones.

See more:
ENTSO-E Transparency - Offered Day-ahead Transfer Capacity
PSE - Cross-border exchange, Day-ahead market schedule
JAO - Daily Allocation Rules


Fallback procedure

In the event that the single day-ahead coupling process is unable to produce results the fallback procedure is followed in order to ensure efficient, transparent and non-discriminatory capacity allocation. TSOs establish and operate fallback procedures in each Capacity Calculation Region (CCR) according with Article 44 of the CACM Regulation. The Polish interconnections belong to the Core, Hansa and Baltic CCRs. The adopted fallback procedures may be found on the ENTSO-E website. For example, in case the fallback is triggered in the Core CCR the so called Shadow Auction coordinated by JAO is run, whereas decoupling on the SwePol Link would lead to zeroed cross-zonal capacity in the day-ahead time frame and available transfer capacity would be offered on the intraday market.

See more:
ENTSO-E - Network codes, Capacity Allocation & Congestion Management
JAO - Shadow Allocation Rules